Saturday, December 14, 2013

Langley Safari Adventure: Part 1

Top of the morning to ya!!  

     My family and I just returned from an incredible weekend with our Swedish friends: the Langleys family. They own a tourism business in White River and invited us to join them on a trip to Kruger Park for their daughter, Katelynn's, 18th birthday. 
     We saw an incredible amount of animals and learned so much from Hylton, Katelynn's father, that I am dividing this into parts... I think it may end up being four parts. 

     I'll try to be as brief as possible and share photos and a couple of videos if they load. Intertwined between the photos, I'll give you some facts I learned today!

Katelynn said most people say her dad looks like George Clooney... I initially thought he looked like Cary Grant; but now I agree that all three look like brothers. haha! - He is such a knowledgable man who is clearly passionate about what he does. He also has a great sense of humour! He taught us new words like "Gabro", which is the area of land that is more open and the trees are more sparse. Kruger, for instance, is mapped according to its various soils. You can go from thick bush with tall trees to flat lands with little bushes and sparse trees. That is simply because of a soil change. 

The lovely Katelynn, herself! In the short time that we have known her, she has already been a blessing to each one of the Whitlocks. She is such a mature young woman with a heart for the LORD. 

Dad was REALLY excited about using his GoPro... He actually captured a fight between some male lions we saw. I'm hoping that one will load. Frighteningly spectacular(!!!!!!!!!)... Especially since all 8 lions were - roughly- 50m from our vehicle.

This Silver Cluster Leaf was one of our first lessons... Hylton had us each pick one and simultaneously put them in our mouths and chew. DISGUSTING. With a high concentration of tannin, it completely absorbs every ounce of liquid in your mouth... It is the substance that makes dry wine... well, dry.

This was my reaction to the leaf... I would never survive Bear Gryll's show.

This is a Black-bellied Bustard. If you are a nerd like me and love watching NatGeo with your family, you may have seen the mating display this bird puts up on one of David Attenborough's shows. The Bustard flies vertically into the air and then drops gracefully to attract females.

A herd of female and baby Impalas. The "fast-food" of the bush. They have "M's" on their rear ends that looks like the McDonald's "M".

Mo, Katelynn, and I.

Graham and Dad.

Wildebeest. So majestic.

Zebras... Another animal you see A LOT.

I was all proud of my iPhone photography... But look at the next post that has SOME of the photos Gabbi captured. Blows mine out of the water, for sure.

"Well... That's all I have to say about that."

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